
Bilimle Halkın İmecesi

  • Authors: Doç.Dr. Betül BATIR, Doç.Dr. Eminalp MALKOÇ
  • ISBN: 978-975-561-575-2
378.00 TL


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Bilimle Halkın İmecesi

One of the dreams of Turkish intellectuals, which started from the last periods of the empire and continued assertively during the Republic period, was to develop the provinces intellectually. The effort to conquer the countryside with culture and science, exhibited in the Turkish Hearths, continued during the Republican period, and after the attempt to institutionalize these efforts with the Peasantism Branches of the People's Houses, an important move was undoubtedly made with the Village Institutes. On the other hand, such efforts would manifest themselves intermittently in times of crisis. As a matter of fact, it would not be wrong to consider the Advisory Committees of the War of Independence in this context. Universities were also quick to take part in this utopia. Particularly periods of political crisis seem to have motivated universities to move to the provinces. As a matter of fact, the Sheikh Said Rebellion and its consequences pushed the young people of Darülfünun to the desire to enlighten Anatolia with the light of knowledge. Ultimately, their plans to expand to Anatolia at certain periods turned into tours of Research and Indoctrination Committees, where professors would conduct research and studies in Anatolia, give conferences. This study, which examines a section of ITU's past, was written to explain/convey its efforts to bring science to the provinces and to the public, focusing especially on the university weeks organized by the institution. Although it was planned to be handled as a project in the long term by its authors, this book was prepared with the idea of contributing to these events and the relaunched ITU Publishing House's pocket books series on the occasion of 2023 being the 250th anniversary of ITU.

Collaboration of Science and Society

About Authors

  • Doç.Dr. Betül BATIR

  • Doç.Dr. Eminalp MALKOÇ